Children are in need of your sponsorship
With your sponsorship, a child is able to go to school, to get medical care, to have at least three meals a day, school uniforms, scholastic materials, clothes and personal hygiene products like sanitary pads.
To be able to provide this care, we are looking for at least 5 caring people per child to donate $35 per month.
You can choose a specific child to sponsor financially and also to pray for him/her.
You will receive letters and and video messages from the child or children that you sponsor.
And if you are able to, you can visit them one day.
And If you are able to donate more, it will help us to bridge the gap while we are waiting for each child to be sponsored.
Sarah's Love reserves the right to use sponsorship donated funds for the needs of the organization and the children within the organization. Child sponsorship connects you with a child in our prgram. A face to love and pray for. Funds donated toward a specific child is pooled and used for the benefit and needs of all children within our program.
Thank you so much for your love and prays for these children, our staff and volunteers.